
Fractals Photos Poetry Prose Watercolor

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

P for ABC Wednesday



I'm a jigsaw puzzle fan and in this lifetime alone have probably assembled a bazillion. Occasionally, I like one well enough to work twice or use ModPodge to convert it to a hanging thingy til it gets dusty or boring!

But this tiny program is my favorite for now. It uses my photographs or images to create puzzles to work right on the computer monitor. There are several sizes to play.

It surprises little poppets who are learning to manipulate mouse and pieces. They are tickled to find a picture they recognize and especially pleased when they see themselves in a completed puzzle.

The added bonus is that when your ISP goes missing you can play offline! It makes a nice little distraction and there's nothing to pick up or put away. The url:  http://puzzle.watype.net/
I think it's easier than Sudoku. At least for this week. What do you think? Do you love puzzles?

♥     ♥     ♥


Sylvia K said...

How fun! I'm going to have to check this out! Thanks for the tip along with a great post for the day! Hope you have a lovely week!


Quiet Paths said...

This is really neat, Sue. I don't doubt that it is also addictive? Thanks for sharing it. Right now I am playing Scrabble quite a bit. I love Scrabble!

Sam Liu said...

I wish I was good at puzzle type things but, unfortunately, I'm just not. I've never been able to complete a jigsaw...though I may give this site a try and attempt to improve my skills :)

anthonynorth said...

That looks real fun. I don't think I've done a jigsaw in years.

Unknown said...

Nice! Maybe I will show my Mom! She loves puzzles. The internet confuses her a little though.

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

my kids love doing jig-saw puzzles.
I have a huge pile of them...
thank you for the creative and educational post!

Stan Ski said...

Jigsaw puzzles are a favourite pastime for many adults and kids alike in Thailand.

Changnoi said...

I love jigsaws.

Wanda said...

When I was searching for what "P" I would share, I forgot about puzzles!

How clever you are!

Hildred said...

A great choice for P - thank you for the link, - I'm off to check it out.

Reader Wil said...

Hi Tumblewords! It so happens that I also like puzzles. I got this site from Patty Lincoln: http://www.jigzone.com/
I use it every day. I shall try yours too! Thanks.

Rune Eide said...

It is many years since I did puzzles (when the children were small) - maybe I should try again? And I have never understood sudoku.

Jama said...

Thanks for the link, I'm going to check it out, even though I'm not a fan of puzzles.

Roger Owen Green said...

The daughter likes the jigsaw puzzles. As Yul Brynner once said, "It's a puzzlement!"

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Jayne said...

What a marvellous idea! Thank you for this. :)

jabblog said...

I love jigsaw puzzles and so do several members of my family. They're very addictive. I will try the link - thank you for that :-)

Kim, USA said...

I am not good in puzzles ^_^. Great choice for letter P. Happy Wednesday!

ABC Wednesday~P

Gerald (SK14) said...

My wife has spent hours playing jigsaw puzzles on the computer - it is an old program - doesn't like long filenames which can be problem importing photos - it may be worth upgrading to a newer program.

We have a communal jigsaw on the go - around 1000 pieces - some take about a week to complete but others take three or four months!

Carol said...

I do love puzzles...off to check the link out....great P

Rajesh said...

Grate word. Very well thought.

Diann said...

What a fun "P"! I am going to have to check this out!

magiceye said...

wonderful take on the theme!

Unknown said...

What a great program. I could definitely get into puzzles with this. Thanks for visiting my blog.

Unknown said...

Its a fun pastime and it sharpen your brain as well.

Anonymous said...

What a great idea! We won't have to worry about getting senile anytime soon!

Gledwood said...

I don't think I've actually done a jigsaw puzzle since I was a kid... my late great auntie was well into them, but then she grew up in the pre-television era. Now I'm getting tired of technology the idea of putting my own photos into puzzles really appeals... even if I DO need a computer to play on, haha!

Unknown said...

Thank you for visiting my p-post!
I didn't think of the word "puzzle", which is a very good p-word indeed! Also, it was news to me that you can work a puzzle on the computer.
Best wishes,

Jay said...

I used to like jigsaws, too, but I haven't done one in years! Maybe I should!

lv2scpbk said...

Argh! I should have thought about puzzles. It's amazing how the mind goes blank when your trying to think of something.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I am sorry I have no patience for puzzles. Got some for my kids, but I have never completed one.

At work, I let my kids play with virtual puzzles and they love it.

Serline said...

Great program! No more agonizing over the missing pieces at the end of a 5,000-piece masterpiece...

Unknown said...

hahaha..nice choice of P...

i only play puzzle if it is not so complicated hahaha

Thanks for the comment anyway.

Joy said...

An artist's eye for colour is a great advantage in jigsaw completion.
My mother always had one on the go; how difficult it is to pass a table and not attempt to put a couple of pieces in.