Barking for Stars
Step right up!
Stella's at her best
Step right up!
Stella tracks the stars
Reads your rites
Lines your route to riches
Stella times your life
Shows you when to jump
When to shout
And when to let dogs lie
Step right up!
See Stella at her best
Step right up!
A second swig of gin
From my faux water cup
Loosens me up
Like Stella never did
Image created on Bamboo Fun Tablet with Adobe Photoshop Elements.
♥ ♥ ♥
Stella must have been trained well to the the tricks!
I could only smile with the thoughts u share in this beautiful poem Sue!
Btw, I wrote a poem on Mother’s Day dedicated to my mother and which I also dedicated it to you; being also a Mom like me…please drop by to read! Thanks. Love, Amity…
You have captured the essence here. Nicely done for the prompt.
You really get a sense of the excitement and joviality of the circus in this poem.
I love "loosens me up like Stella never did" :)
Nice use of the prompt. I'm just reading along today.
I'm guessing that Stella and the barker have a history, and he didn't "let dogs lie" :).
oh, yes! what it takes to be a performer (and can barkers ever perform!)!
Stella. Stella. He might prefer gin, but its Stella he can't let go of...
Thanks for coming by my post.
I really like the playful nature of your take on this. Thanks for sharing. Now, about that water cup...
So good to see you at the circus!
Yowza, yowza, yowza!
The tongue, liquefied, knows nothing but praise and adulation.
You've stepped right up indeed.
I like "Stella times your life" because it's a little bit not what I expected but turns out to be perfect!
There must be many intertwined lives and stories in the circus and Stella had a handle on most of them! Enjoyed the touch of gin :0)
I am glad Stella ditched him.She is too good for a pisspot who blames her for his (what's a nice way of putting it)inadequacies.
Good take on astrology here, and the smart simply image (the gin) on seediness of the circus.
Thank you for reading and commenting on mine.
I especially like how the words "bark" in this poem. Great use of language & form to reinforce the idea.
And it is great to have you at Big Tent!!
"Always drink gin with a mark, kid."
Great way to bring out the barker behind the barks.
LOL - great little poem! One of my favorites!
I love the levels of wordplay in "reads your rites." The refrain is great it's fun to read this in the barker's voice.
Such a strong voice here...and interesting how you weaved in the image of the cup of gin. I liked this.
What an enjoyable read! Thanks!
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