
Fractals Photos Poetry Prose Watercolor

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Resolution Re-Run

New years by the score
have left me in doubt
as what more to leave out.
I gave up hard spirits,
tobacco and speeding,
soaped out my mouth
and even stopped fibbing.
I once gave up slouching
and dating bad men,
ran from intolerance
to pose on the fence.
I’m not pure lily white
but surely modest and mild.
I’ve come full circle
which is rather odd
so this year I resolve
to resume smokes and gin,
to step up my pace,
and regain ten pounds
while practicing road rage
and lewd finger waves.

I wish you a Great 2008!

This is a re-run. When I get these resolutions exactly right, I'll write a new list...


Molly said...

Thanks for the comment on my blog!

I was just thinking about all those silly resolutions and how I'd like to phrase it: "I would like to weigh less at the end of the year than I do now." No specific amount. Takes the pressure off, yes?

A very whimsical look at the new year.

Naturegirl said...

Wishing you peace love inspiration and blessings as we move forward to a NEW YEAR! hugs NG

Anonymous said...

Rewind that tape! What a great idea!

rel said...

Happy New year lady!
This piece is on the money.
Now and then I wonder where I'd be if I'd continued all my bad habits.

Writing on Board said...

Ha! Happy New Year, Sue!

SandyCarlson said...

That list is a lot of fun! Happy new year!

Mad Kane said...

Very funny!

By the way, when you posted a comment on my blog you put a typo in your URL, so I ended up clicking through to this site:

I thought I was losing my mind until I saw the typo.
Mad Kane

Quiet Paths said...

This made me laugh; thank you! I like the road rage resolution the best. Thanks for your humor.

Unknown said...

Happy New Year to you too. I like the idea of bad resolutions to greet the New Year. They might have a better chance of being achieved than good ones.