
Fractals Photos Poetry Prose Watercolor

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

NaiSaiKu for 3WW

ThomG, moderator of 3Word Wednesday offers these three for prompt:  Jolt, Ribbon, Zeal

aged and restless earth
jolts dust and ribbons airborne
flings zealous seraphs
to sing from unsteady ground
zealous seraphs drop
airborne dust and ribbons jolt
aged and restless earth

Fractal image. Here are NaiSaiKu instructions.
♥ ♥ ♥


mark said...

Simply lovely...

Thom Gabrukiewicz said...

"to sing from unsettled ground" is a killer line. Glad Andy is back with the challenge.

Crybbe666 said...

As always, an absolute pleasure to read!!

Stan Ski said...

A NaiSai-coup!

anthonynorth said...

Deceptively deep words. Marvellous.

pia said...

Along with the picture, it scared me and I think that's a good thing

Lilibeth said...

I enjoyed this, and I think I'm beginning to understand the NaiSaiku form a little.

Shady Gardener said...

I'm going to enjoy visiting you again! :-) I hope I receive some information about ABC Wednesday before the next "round" begins. I've never participated... so I don't know what a "theme" means.

Larry said...

Nice peace I like it a lot.
thank you for stopping by This Blog Of Mine. I appreciate your comments each week.

Jay R. Thurston said...

Great use, phrasing and placement of the words. Short and sweet, yet it says much.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Do you need a lot of inspiration to write a NaiSaiKu. Looks more difficult than a Haiku.

Wendy Naisa said...

Beautifully done, thank you for posting to The NaiSaiKu Challenge?

Andy Sewina said...

I love the way you've captured the cyclical nature of things in this piece, and the intelligent use of the 3WW words.

Many thanks for taking The NaiSaiKu Challenge? this week.

Amarettogirl said...

This had sucha celestial feel to it - especialy with the image. Thank you for combining such a clever grouping of vivid words!

Julie JordanScott said...

Like a lullaby - restful yet... there is such a lesson to be heard.

(And thanks for the link to NaiSaiKu instruction. I kept reading about them but had no idea how to write one.)

Lucy said...

just lovely!

Anya Padyam said...

Seraphs is a lovely sounding word!
Clever NaiSaiKu,