
Fractals Photos Poetry Prose Watercolor

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Delphi for Sunday Scribblings

Sunday Scribblings offers Oracle as the weekly prompt.


In the N'awlins dusk
her palms turn up
for heaven's alms.
Magenta silks wrap thick
around her neck, slick
down across her gown.

Your long fine lines, said she,
foretell a first-class life.
I cross her palms with silver.
Unforeseen, that humid night
draws the Delphi's final gig
of Danse Macabre by trolley.

Fractal created in Fractal Explorer.


one more believer said...

lovely humid story..especially so the trolley ride... the fractal colors remind me of a flower blooming and swaying in a hot summer breeze...

b said...

Here in Tucson the Day of the Dead is a huge celebration in the graveyards and in the streets.. I loved this poem...I bet N'awlins is so interesting on All Souls Day!.

Beautiful picture and poem.


Dee Martin said...

loved the blues and lavenders and greens - cool and the colors I would picture her wearing..loved the lines - "her palms turn up
for heaven's alms."

Jeeves said...

Lovely, lovely

George S Batty said...

Old Grizz stopped by and liked what he read.. good work

jabblog said...

Beautifully expressed.

gautami tripathy said...

Truly beautiful!

elbowing in, elbowing out

poefusion said...

you're first line draws the reader in and the rest simply keeps their attention. you're so talented Tumblewords. have a great day.

sorry for my absence lately. i explained what happened in a locked post. i should be around more often now though.

Old Egg said...

Beautiful but poignant

bluebethley said...

Your poem reminds me of New Orleans, beautiful images, lovely take on the prompt. How mysterious, the fortune-teller, the city, and somehow the past and future mixed together. Thank you for visiting!

linda may said...

Paints a picture. Lovely picture too.