
Fractals Photos Poetry Prose Watercolor

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Red-Tailed Hawk Tanka

One Single Impression: Prompt 111: Vicarious

red-tailed hawk dances
overhead    circle loopings
plots his killing swoop
covets fleet-foot rabbit style
grounded   running    loping    stride

Image is a fractal created with Fractal Explorer.
♥     ♥     ♥


anthonynorth said...

Nature in the raw. Great words.

one more believer said...

ohhh that is so true... we are blessed to live in a country with so many different types of hawks...

Mojo said...

(You have Tanka, I have Tonka.)

Love how you can feel the tension in this. It's exactly what it's like to see it happen.

Amity said...

beautiful tanka Sue...

never tried one, hopefully soon!

Anonymous said...

A wonderful sight. Don't you wish you were up there?

Patti said...

Excellent...the circle of life and the food chain at its best! Have a great day!

Tammie Lee said...

a full circle tale
there is a nice rhythm to this

Julie said...

Great imagery.

wordwand said...

a lovely nature poem ; well done.

Brian Miller said...

oh that was a wicked cool tanka...nature in the raw is right...such a sight to see...

Jim said...

Many images brought to mind here, Sue. From an old cartoon to the chicken hawks we had in Nebraska and in between.
One also thought was of a Pacific gooney bird appearance if yours were to try the running rabbit bit on landing.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful images, both in words and the drawing. Welcome to Jingle's Rally!

SandyCarlson said...

That was marvelous. The pace and turn of this made me hungry, left me satisfied. Thanks.