
Fractals Photos Poetry Prose Watercolor

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Galena Whispers for RWP 112

Get Your Poem on #112    

Dave Jarecki prompts: This week, I encourage you to find the “narrative wallpaper” that resides in your home, apartment, memory, etc.

Galena Whispers 

wallpaper was a stranger
calcimine took its stead
staged an army surplus bunkbed

where webs of wires
from a crystal radio
pulled shadows from a rock

nightly sibilance from earphones
scared us into giggles
forever destined to hide fear

for who could foresee that safety
was only a figment of the mind
needled from a chunk of galena

Fractal created in Apophysis.
♥  ♥  ♥


Jareckiville said...

Lovely language!

Julie Jordan Scott said...

The line "safety is only a figment of the mind" is something I doubt any child understands... and your poem reminds me perfectly.


Troy said...


That was powerful! Sometimes, your frame of mind is just right, so you hear or read something, and it touches you deep inside. This was one of those times for me.

Thank you for sharing.


anthonynorth said...

A great air of mystery in this. Excellent as always.

Unknown said...

I have learned a little about Galena, the rock and the place, and 'whitewash' as I would know calcimine. Your poem conjures lovely images.

B : ) said...

Just beautiful. I wanted to thank you for visiting my blog and commenting on my little C....had a little trouble finding which blog I should visit to reply - my goodness you have a lot!

Cynthia Short said...

Very lovely words, and the memories seemed familiar to me...well done.

Kayt said...

I really like the intricacy and truly fresh associations - my favorite stanza, the 2nd though it all works well and I also love the ending

Dick said...

An atmospheric conjuring of a fragment of memory.

Paul Oakley said...

I had to look up calcimine and galena (not to be confused with calamine and Galena). :)

I especially love that last stanza:

for who could foresee that safety
was only a figment of the mind
needled from a chunk of galena

How little we know of safety and danger until long past possibilities of remedy...

Very nice.

Anonymous said...

Always admired those who could manage tuning anything from crystals. Love the bunkbed setup and the language is delicious

Ana said...

great final. As "needled" fits great in the last sentence and conencts weel with "fractal".

it evokes children in a conflict area and their galena radios...

Unknown said...

Well-turned. I like this and I'm not certain why at this point . I will certainly read many more times. Very tight, well composed.

madeline d. murray said...

I so admire this. It's beautifully crafted, evocative, and, somehow, haunting. Thank you.

Raven's Wing Poetry said...

I like this. I get a sense of innocence...and this reminds me of WWII, when it was radio, not TV or the Internet. How children (at least in the U.S.) knew of the war, but were yet mostly insulated from its effects. Of course, this also conjures up images of Cold War Era bunkers in the basement.

Great work this week.


Donald Harbour said...

I like this poem. I spent many hours building and listening to my own crystal radios. Do you still scratch around the skip in Idaho? Thanks for the memories.

Anonymous said...

From the very first line, you had the atmosphere of this one nailed... I like the tenuous feel of it, like the words might evaporate if I stare at it too long. Excellent language and imagery and memory. :)

Yousei Hime said...

Wow. Just like a fractal, it requires long viewings to fully appreciate. Thank you for sharing this.

Thank you visiting Shiteki Na Usagi and leaving a comment. Glad you liked the beehive haiku. Visit again anytime.

flaubert said...

Nicely done!


EKSwitaj said...

Wonderful use of minerals! (Did you know that my MFA thesis was called Galena Spinel?) :-)

Irene said...

Kind of mining for mineral truth..conclusion is quietly powerful.

Deb said...

Surprising in a fantastic way. I adore rocks, although I don't know radios.

Wayne Pitchko said...

nice indeed...pulled shadows from a rock....great one....crystal set?...thought I was only one old enough to remember those....cheers and thanks for sharing this

spiritsoflena said...

Very interesting and enjoyable read.

Francis Scudellari said...

Great images. I especially loved "pulled shadows from a rock".

geeta said...

Interesting read....your birds of imagination took a great flight.

Elaine Yim said...

A great read.

Marinela said...

I enjoyed reading it :)

Matthew Quinn said...

Great poem: in creativity, content, imagery and assonance/consonance. I love "pulled shadows from a rock."

Erin Davis said...

Well done. Poignant images. I love:
for who could foresee that safety
was only a figment of the mind

shraddha said...

loved it....
i am trying to motivate myself by reading all the fun work of my friends..

Allan Cox said...

Rich, rich memories recalled here lovingly, imaginatively.