
Fractals Photos Poetry Prose Watercolor

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

F for ABC Wednesday

ABC WEDNESDAY ROUND 6: F is for Facts!


Wikipedia has this to say:
A fractal is "a rough or fragmented geometric shape that can be split into parts, each of which is (at least approximately) a reduced-size copy of the whole,"a property called self-similarity. Roots of mathematical interest in fractals can be traced back to the late 19th Century; however, the term "fractal" was coined by BenoƮt Mandelbrot in 1975 and was derived from the Latin fractus meaning "broken" or "fractured." A mathematical fractal is based on an equation that undergoes iteration, a form of feedback based on recursion.

This image is one of the first that I toyed with. It has a fractal background with a digital photo of a white daisy inserted and manipulated. I use free fractal design software to create the fractals posted on my blogs. Fascinating and easy to use, Apophysis and Fractal Explorer are my favorites. Since I've given up dusting and such, free time is far easier to find.

♥   ♥   ♥


Sylvia K said...

Interesting post and word for the F day! Love the colors! Hope your week is going well so far!


Beverley Baird said...

Lovely design! Great post for F.

Rinkly Rimes said...

What a great idea..... to give up dusting! I find fractals fascinating. So much of nature is based on the concept.

anthonynorth said...

Mindst you, dusting is like a fractal. As soon as you think you've finished, the measurement changes :-)

Stan Ski said...

Dusting and SUCH - You mean there's more to it than just dusting???
Great post , and fun passtime.

Unknown said...

Wow. You made beautiful digital art. I love it! : )

Robin said...

Very cool, and thanks for explaining about fractals. Don't go back to the dusting...the fractals are great.

Roger Owen Green said...

Dusting is highly overrated.

Fascinating fractal; I have no skills in this area.

On behalf of the ABC Wednesday team, thank you!

Tash said...

Fabulous and factual. Fascinating, flambouyant, florid fun.
Fantastic color of the fractal!

Hildred said...

I think fractals are splendid, and you are so clever to find the time to devote to them..think what you could do if you gave up vacuuming too, and cooking, and doing the laundry, - oh, am I going too far?

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for sharing.
Very generous of you.
I will share this with my daughter,
who is interested in graphic designs.


Fantastic F!

Happy ABC Wednesday!



LeAnn said...

That is really interesting and beautiful at the same time!

Willa @ PixelMinded said...

what an interesting facts you've got. Thanks for sharing,I learned something new today. :)

photowannabe said...

Lovely digital art. I'm glad you have more time to do your art now that you've given up dusting and such. (:0)

Anonymous said...

'Since I've given up dusting and such...' I like it!

I've yet to have a play with fractals and your post makes me want to seek them out. :)

Anonymous said...

'Since I've given up dusting and such...' I like it!

I've yet to have a play with fractals and your post makes me want to seek them out. :)

Kero said...

wow. i learned something new today! thank you for sharing.

ABC Wednesday is indeed full of fun!

hope you can visit my entry here http://thepinkzest.blogspot.com/2010/02/dubai-fountain.html

raf said...

Thanks for the informative and fascinating post on fractals, Tumblewords. Your artwork and verse are a joy. And indeed, as noted above, dusting is much too much overrated.

jabblog said...

Really interesting post! I like the fractals you design. I may try the software you recommend, but not yet - must keep up with the washing!

Reader Wil said...

I don't know much about these technics, but I find the result stunning! Thanks for sharing.

Rune Eide said...

That is very nice F. Fractals are one of the most important mathematical discoveries of the 20th century, and it getting more important all the time.

Carol said...


Monika said...

thank u for the informative post

Tania said...

Interesting and great F!

LisaF said...

This is so very cool! I love the colors and the distortion in the daisy. I may just have to give this a shot. Thanks!

Strawberry Jam Anne said...

Stick to the fractals, much more interesting that dusting! A

Diann @ the thrifty Groove said...

This photo is awesome!

Gordon said...

Your fractal is fabulous. So that's what I need to do to find time; stop dusting! LOL

Troy said...

That was a fine fractal. I find your fractals fascinating.

Jay said...

That fractal is beautiful, and it's a great one for F! I love the colours!

I'm not sure if the first is a fractal? But I like that the best.