
Fractals Photos Poetry Prose Watercolor

Monday, February 08, 2010

Haiku for One Single Impression

One Single Impression: Prompt 102: Single

lonely thunderclap
a single flash of lightning
begets a wild storm

Fractal image created in Fractal Explorer, resized and buttoned in Irfanview.
♥    ♥    ♥


Sandra.if said...

a small signal brings sometimes chaos...

Janet Jarrell said...

Amazing to think that the wild storm begins with one lonely thunderclap - honestly.

Kayt said...

I very much like how well the words and the image interconnect - and both leave me with a feeling of dark searching - nice!

Loch Rob said...

I am getting a nice visual for an approaching storm with dark clouds. I just wish it would stop snowing now!

The Write Girl said...

I love your haiku. You paint such vivid imagery in such few words. Amazing : )

Vinay Leo R. said...

i second Write Girl! :) it was indeed vivid in imagery! :)

anthonynorth said...

And don't even start me on the butterfly's wings :-)
So very true.

SandyCarlson said...

A wild essay develops from a single syllable. Beautiful. Makes me think of the running around the house I do to close the windows after that first clap.

mia said...

Dear Tumbleweed,

Vivid and exciting!


Patti said...

I am yearning for a wild storm of lightning and thunder and NOT another snowstorm! Well done, as always~

Tammie Lee said...

oh, your art and words are wonderful.

Cascondaville said...

Perfectly executed~!

zoya gautam said...

a thinking haiku

well written

many thanks ..