
Fractals Photos Poetry Prose Watercolor

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

C for ABC Wednesday

ABC WEDNESDAY ROUND 6: C is for.........Comments

A long time ago, I purchased an inexpensive copy of a painting from a going-out-of-business shop.

When I began watercoloring, I watched Terry Madden on PBS when he conducted his weekly workshop with Floridian style images.

I'm not sure when it occurred to me (it was far too long) but I raced to the painting to read the signature. Yup. 'Twas Terry Madden.

Slow? I must be. A coinkidink? Surely.

My darling mother used this term a long time ago and it always made me giggle. I'd never heard it said by anyone outside our small family. Who knew it would find its way into the urban dictionary?

A coindink.     http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=coinkidink

My poem, Dark Clusters, is in the February 2010 Issue of Flutter.   

♥    ♥    ♥    ♥


Stan Ski said...

Great word - I thought I'd exhausted all the C's.

Sylvia K said...

You did come up with a different one! Good for you! Fun post for the day! Enjoy!


anthonynorth said...

Never heard that one before, but I like it. It must be publicised more :-)

Beverley Baird said...

Great C post. Love your poem!

photowannabe said...

I've used that word many times before. It just fits the conversation better sometimes.
Interesting about your watercolor print. I used to watch him on Public Television too.

Rajesh said...

Nice post.

Willa said...

cool words, I didn't read the meaning of it but i'm sure my boys will laugh when they hear me say that. :)

Hildred said...

Amazing how many of these giggly words are eventually accepted in the urban dictionary.

magiceye said...

lovely sounding word!

Gordon said...

At first I thought you just made up the word for the C post! Thanks for the link to the Urban Dictionary; interesting.

Anonymous said...

'Coinkidink' - that's definitely one to be filed away in my brain. :)

Reader Wil said...

Yes the word really exists! However this is the first time I heard of it. By Hercules, I too came, saw, and conquered! What a coinkidink!
I am going to use it!

Jay said...

Coinkidink! I love it - and now look what you've done! I shall probably begin to use it, too! LOL!

jabblog said...

It made me giggle too - lovely word!

Roger Owen Green said...

Didn't know it'd made it into the dictionary, but I've sure heard the term. But is anything a coincidence?

LisaF said...

C is for Comments...How wonderfully obvious! I've used coinkidink on occasion as well.

raf said...

Big smile, Tumblewords,and great choice for ABC!

Joy said...

Oh I love that word, interesting how families have special words and sayings. The painting was a great find.

dana said...

Great 'c' post. Also known as 'synchronicity'!!

Diann @ The Thrifty Groove said...

great word to come up for "C". I remember using that word as kids. I haven't thought about it in years!

dianasfaria.com said...

I love coincidences like that. They always make me feel like all is right with the world.

Troy said...

Don't I feel silly, I saw 'Terry Madden' but I read 'Joe Madden' and was amazed that he was also a painter.



Roger Owen Green said...

No coincidence, but with intent: On behalf of the ABC Wednesday, thank you! -Ramblin' with Roger

Tash said...

Great story. I've had coinkydink-like experiences of such kind myself. I have heard the word before, but it's been a long time, and I've NEVER seen it written. Good one!

Patti said...

I have used coinkydink! Weird sounding word though, isn't it? How cool you have a Terry Madden! I used to watch him as well. Have a great weekend...and congrats on your poem being published! Yay YOU!