
Fractals Photos Poetry Prose Watercolor

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

NaiSaiKu for 3WordWednesday

ThomG, moderator of 3Word Wednesday, offers the following words for prompt: beacon, grieve, kindred

one shining beacon
unity in kindred peace
the vision-less grieve
they divide by rant and rave
the vision-less grieve
reject the kindred peace
our beacon shining

Fractal image created in Apophysis.
For NaiSaiKu information, click the link here.
♥    ♥    ♥


Thom Gabrukiewicz said...

great stuff.

anthonynorth said...

Oh, those divisions get us every time.
Excellently done.

Wendy Naisa said...

Phew, rejecting the kindred peace...

Love how well you do this!

aka Andy Sewina

Stan Ski said...

There's always one...sometimes more...

Angel said...

Nicely done and very apt.

Angel said...

Nicely done and very apt.

Jeeves said...


Crybbe666 said...

Wonderfully put together. A fine job. Enjoy your week every week!

Ann (bunnygirl) said...

I like this, especially the part "divide by rant and rave." Nice job!

Lilibeth said...

Is this "where there is no vision the people perish"?

Daily Panic said...

this writing has a see saw affect of emotions. Complex but simple. I like it.

Tash said...

Love the poem. Interesting use of repetition, with changing nuances to the meaning. So true too.
The image is great too - looks like light bouncing off the wall, repetition like the poem, with nowhere to go.

J. S. Clawson said...

once again, I love this form and how you incorporated the 3WW. Great poem. :-)

Anonymous said...

Look! I finally made it! I love this piece. I don't know if its the repetition that drives it home or what exactly but I really do like it!

Attendance Optional

Prats said...

good one again :)

Jay R. Thurston said...

Very clever, I like this form of poetry. Well written!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful use of the prompt words....i thought it was repetition but its not.Good one.

Pearl said...

thanks for that call to peace and higher vision. petty aspects can pull down one or all.