
Fractals Photos Poetry Prose Watercolor

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Naisaiku for 3Word Wednesday

ThomG, moderator of 3 Word Wednesday offers these words as prompt:  Ideal, Measure, Teeter

teetering ideals
measure the angst of the day
memory is small
the past decade fades away
memory is small
angst measures another day
ideals a-teeter

Rules for Naisaiku can be found here
Fractal created with Apophysis software.
♥    ♥    ♥


anthonynorth said...

Memorable words. Excellent as always.

Thom Gabrukiewicz said...

this just had a great feel to it while reading it.

Andy Sewina said...

WonderfulWords, I can hardly remember what happened yesterday, and the more I try to recall the further I fall..

Thanks for posting this!

Stan Ski said...

Sounds like somebody is under a bit of pressure and trying to sweep the past under the carpet - it must be aimed at a polititian(s).

Sherri B. said...

So cleverly done...a swapping of the words evolves the poem and its meaning. Wonderful!

Shadowplay said...

I adored how you phrased this... I could almost feel my own memory slipping as each moment winked out of existence...

magiceye said...

this is wonderful!

Ann (bunnygirl) said...

I like the repetition of "memory is small." So true of human nature. Or perhaps it would be more appropriate to say we remember the wrong things. Teetering ideals, indeed.

b+ (Retire In Style Blog) said...

Loved the rhythm of this. I will take a look at Naisaiku rules. I learn something everytime I visit here.


Jay R. Thurston said...

I like the symmetry of this poetry format. Well written... and creating use of the words!

Anonymous said...

This is a very interesting way to use the prompt words. Great job!

Never Centered

Dee Martin said...

I love that your poem is all about ideals, memory, angst - and your fractal looks like a brain :)

Larry said...

Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment at This Blog Of Mine. I surly appreciate them.

Woman Called

gautami tripathy said...


tattoos, race car, mobile oil and book

rebecca said...

Oh, this was splendid! Really liked the way you used the words...you make it seem so easy.

J. S. Clawson said...

very nice and perfect in form! Thanks for sharing it! :-)