
Fractals Photos Poetry Prose Watercolor

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Nanowrimo, Cleaning, Coffee and Exercise

Two weeks from now, give or take, signup opens for Nanowrimo although writing doesn't begin until November 1.

I'll begin a third novel there and will start without a plot, a plan or a word written.

With growing understanding of what this entails, this year I'm prepared to delegate some of the daily chores.

iRobot saves my life with their nifty workers. Dirt Dog cleans my patio and garage floors, Roomba cleans the inside floors while I pound the keyboard.

Green Mountain's Keurig single-cup coffee brewer provides a fresh and fine cup in less than a minute - much tastier than pouring from a pot of old dark coffee and looking for flavor to hide the age. I also enjoy their teas and hot chocolate.

This session, I'll set a timer to prod me into periodic fifteen minute bouts of exercise. Two dances with the grim reaper in the last half-dozen years carry a reminder that it's not a good idea to sit in one place, holding breath, for extended periods of time while being pulled into a character's life.

A pot of paints, brushes and small watercolor papers occupy space near the kitchen sink for the times I need more colors than black and white.

So, with these thoughts and helpers in place, I'll face a blank screen for as long as it takes to get a character and action.

Will I see you there? Let me know when you sign up - it's fun to recognize others who are November noveling. I can hardly wait to open my head and see if anything's there.

Fractal created in Apophysis
My Lulu Bookstore

1 comment:

Boricua in Texas said...

My friend Papaya Mom and I will sign up this year. I tried last year, but I signed up 5 days after the challenge had begun and I had absolutely no clue as to what I was doing. I did not finish it. This year I have a vague idea of what I want to do, but with severe time constraints it will be a challenge to complete. Still, I love a good challenge and I am looking forward to tackling this.