Prompted by Fiction Friday This photo is an image of a houseplant combined with a fractal and manipulated. North of Summer, a Decade of Poetry available at Lulu Publishing
Lovely image! I'm enjoying browsing though your blog, getting to know you a bit. I see you do fractal work as well as watercolours. What program do you use to make your fractals, if you don't mind my asking? Sorry if you've already talked about that - I haven't read everything yet.
Interesting choice of words, "she gathers forget", as opposed to forgetfullness. Makes one pause.
Very moody and poetic....I think too that the use of forget is very good.
Wonderful way how you use very little words but provoke such a strong message. I especially the first line"
she gathers forget
Your ability to make so little say so much - captivating. The words hold me, make me pause and reflect. That is powerful!
Powerful words that convey so much in such few words; and the image merges very well with the words.
Lovely image! I'm enjoying browsing though your blog, getting to know you a bit. I see you do fractal work as well as watercolours. What program do you use to make your fractals, if you don't mind my asking? Sorry if you've already talked about that - I haven't read everything yet.
This one is intoxicating. It begs to be read over and over- getting the reader drunk on its beauty.
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