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Saturday, March 27, 2010

Alchemy for Sunday Scribblings


The cloak of invisibility is coming to something near you.

Recent studies have found a way to prevent the visual identification of objects by covering them with sheets of gold.

Instead of turning base metals into gold, that precious metal is now being used to weave a cloak of invisibility.

Can you imagine actually being a fly on the wall in the areas in which you wish to snoop? In attending events to which you're uninvited? In being the backseat driver in a teenager's car? Ah, the possibilities are endless.

Imagine what will happen to the hordes of celebs and pols who make complete as*es of themselves because of their desire to be seen. How much gold will it require to render them invisible and leave the normals to their own deceits?

And just when some are crying for more transparency... How will you use your cloak?

A couple of links for more information on this process.

AP News and the ubiquitous Wikipedia

♥   ♥   ♥


Stan Ski said...

I haven't been able to find a thing since we bought those sheets of gold - now I know why ;)

George S Batty said...

Old Grizz believes the Ostrich cloaks itself by sticking it's head in the sand. This type of cloaking is also practiced by high profile people such as Tiger wood and Jesse James just to name two of a very very long list. Unfortunately for them they are too big for the golden cloak to hide.

Changnoi said...

I want a cloak of invisibility!

Dee Martin said...

Soooo, all the celebs need to get rid of their gold or they won't be seen?? We should tell them. Right away! This was awesome and I am glad that your short disappearance from the web wasn't a cause for sending emts!

Thomma Lyn said...

Absolutely fascinating stuff -- thanks for sharing! :)

Ann (bunnygirl) said...

Well, this explains why the price of gold has gone up so much in recent years. LOL!

linda may said...

This asks lots of questions as well as answering them. I would like one of those cloaks though...... just sometimes.

Carina said...

Personally, I'd be thrilled if I couldn't see any celebrities for a while. Interesting post!

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

... but those cloaks of gold won't be something the celebrities put on willingly (I'm speaking in generalities, of course). So who's going to do it? I'm brave, but not THAT brave!

keiths ramblings said...

What an interesting post! Not sure I'd want step foot inside a teens car though, visible or invisible!

Andy Sewina said...

Phew, this sounds amazing!

Anonymous said...

I'm with Carina--I'd love not to see any celebrities, or at least probing questions about their private lives masquerading as news. So when's it going to start working?

Old Egg said...

The easiest way to make those celebs disappear is to switch off, don't buy, turn your head the other way and never, never clap! An occasional boo might help too.

Anonymous said...

Interesting that most of us would like to cloak others, rather than hide ourselves, no?

I think it'd be interesting to be a fly on the wall in many places...but I can observe strangers quite well just by sitting in a cafe sipping a latte, and gold doesn't breathe...

MissMeliss said...

I have this horrible feeling I didn't sign my comment. Sorry.

one more believer said...

great post tw....some days it's just nice not to be seen at all...taking a break sorta thing...not necessarily to snoop or be seen... as a trekkie i've enjoyed their use of cloaking... and then whaz to become of the invisible man??

Jae Rose said...

Just like in dreams. It's always a choice between flying or being invisible. Both would be great! Jae (thanks for your visit)

rebecca said...

Hm...interesting. Thanks for linking....