
Fractals Photos Poetry Prose Watercolor

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

N for ABC Wednesday

It's hard to have a negative numb down day when there's a rainbow on the north wall!

This piece of fun fell through the peekhole in the front door or bounced from a southern window off the grandfather clock or a multiple of crystals. Needless to say, it pleased me. 

Do you welcome indoor rainbows?

♥     ♥     ♥


??? said...

I love those rainbows. As a child, I was convinced that I could feel the different colours on my skin. I still think that we should be able to and it's a pity we cannot.

Friko said...

There even luckier than outdoor ones. You don't have to go quite so far for the pot of gold!

Scriptor Senex said...

That's an original approach to the letter N.

Kay L. Davies said...

Beautiful, and you would HAVE to be Numb to be Negative about this lovely thing!

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie’s Guide to Adventurous Travel

anthonynorth said...

Now that's a good rainbow.

Anonymous said...

Sure, indoor rainbows are neat. I often have one in my stainless steel kitchen sink. I think it is from cobalt collection in the window.

I like this.

Leslie: said...

It's gorgeous! And yes I do welcome rainbows anywhere and any time!

abcw team

Hildred said...

I love them, - I have a hanging prism in the window that produces lovely indoor rainbows.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I mobed to this house in Sept, one day, I had a small rainbow on my bed. I didn't take a photo because it was quite small.

Anonymous said...

I certainly agree. One's mood can only be lifted when there are rainbows indoors. It's like a little piece of magic has swept into the room.

Roger Owen Green said...

Our glass door provides plenty of indoor rainbows, especially in the spring and the fall.
ROG, ABC wednesday team

Sue J said...

I love indoor rainbows. I have crystals dangling in my windows to catch them.

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

Not only do I welcome them, but I 'chase' them! That one is a winner for sure! Lucky you...

ChrisJ said...

Oh yes I do! But how smart to think of photographing them. Doesn't it seem strange to you that everyone likes rainbows, indoors or outdoors? Why is color so important to us? (I guess I'm a philosopher at heart.)

Nanka said...

That looks so cool and like the shape too!! You always have very interesting things to say and lovely captures!!

MERYL JAFFE, PhD - parent, psychologist, teacher, author... said...

Beautiful shot. When I was a little girl, every week we'd visit my grandparents. They had these little lamps with glass prisms on the fireplace the and afternoon light would bounce through the prisms throwing rainbows across the room. I LOVE indoor rainbows!

Ingrid said...

Wow that sound complicated, but the result is great !
ABC team

Chubskulit Rose said...

Very neat!

Nostalgic, is one of my ABC entries. Come by any time you get a chance. Have a great day!

Joy said...

Neat photo. I like them anywhere but tend to get overexcited about outdoor ones so can worry my passengers if I'm driving.

chiccoreal said...

Dear TW: Definitely a welcomer of indoor rainbows. I noticed yours looks a tad like the Apple motif...anyone else note this? Abundant Blessings!

jabblog said...

Oh yes, rainbows, indoors or out, are always welcome.

Chronicles of Illusions said...

Wow - it looks like a floating spirit of warmth and colour

Reader Wil said...

My youngest daughter gave me a string with small mirrors and glasscrystals to hang in front of the window. Needless to say that they cause a lot of rainbows when the sun shines. It's lovely!

Reader Wil said...

I love the string of little mirrors I got from one of my children, Which I can hang in front of my window!

nonizamboni said...

Glad I didn't miss this post--awesome capture. There's a wall in the Native American Museum @ the Smithsonian that captures a rainbow from small windows around the rotunda. Stunning and spiritual.