
Fractals Photos Poetry Prose Watercolor

Friday, July 27, 2007


honed chisels strip
the glue of guilt
in slivers almond fine

flinders fly while
from a refuge of rock
old loss is planed away

smooth form bestowed ~
like lackluster limbo

Rock Wall original watercolor by Sue

North of Summer available at Lulu Publishing


Anonymous said...

Beautiful watercolor and the poem to match.

I like "flinders fly"

Clare said...

Really nice poem, Sue! And I loved the line "in slivers almond fine" -- very clever. And your watercolor is beautiful -- I love the colors in it.

Anonymous said...

That is lovely; and I like the way the picture bleeds into the frame; pulls it in and makes it part of the painting. Just lovely

(puffs of love - below - very clever)

carole said...

Your poetry is itself beautifully honed.

Thank you for visiting my blog.

Anonymous said...

This does have the feel of something painstakingly honed from a much larger original.

Brian said...

I really like the sounds my lips make while whispering this poem.

Wriju said...

I like your economy of words :)

Crafty Green Poet said...

Wonderful watercolour and your words go with it very well.

Anonymous said...

That water colour looks like poetry to me..

Marcia (MeeAugraphie) said...

The ending came a bit as a surprise for me, but a surprise that made sense to me. I like this a lot, Sue.

Molly said...

Very spare poem, but with great word combinations. I love that watercolor.