Once upon a time, I wore an NRA sharpshooter badge but time brought me to an occasional tin can shoot with a 1970's Daisy BB rifle.
I complained, not loudly, about the antiquity of the Daisy preventing amazing hits - I couldn't hit the wide side of a hill and, as I'm wont to do, I blamed it on the equipment.
A recent birthday arrived and my oldest granddaughter gifted a Crosman Pumpmaster 760 BB/pellet rifle.
Incongruously, this came hot on the heels of replacing my living room window which was gut shot by the neighbor boy's girl guests while his mother labored at her daily work. The window hole was about five inches above my head where I sat outside trying to absorb enough warm and sun to last through the lengthy gray cold winter. Much ado.
Even though I experienced a brief temptation to shoot the neighbor kid, I took the new toy to the woods and found it to be powerfully accurate - I might still be a sharpshooter!